The Center for Educational Partnerships collaborates with school districts, community-based organizations, community colleges, and four-year institutions to work on multiple initiatives aimed at the ultimate goal of increased student academic achievement and college access. All programs and initiatives are part of holistic strategies for systemic change to enhance the educational opportunities of the families we serve.

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High schoolers in the lab

California State Summer School for Math & Science (COSMOS)

The California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) provides intensive learning and discovery in a four-week high school residential program on the UCI campus taught by UCI faculty and their colleagues in California higher education. The mission is to motivate and encourage talented students in math and science to explore STEM topics and support college and career goals in STEM.

Each summer, eight different subject areas are offered to a selective and competitive pool of applicants, including out of state students. Prospective students must apply online and meet eligibility requirements, including strong grades in math and science courses, two recommendations from science/math teachers, official transcripts, well-developed essays focused on interest in math and science, and cluster choice.


Katie Decker

Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)

As the University of California’s largest academic preparation program, EAOP helps students in underserved schools prepare for college and the work force by completing all UC and California State University admissions requirement, and apply for college and financial aid. Through a series of collaborative strategies that include Academic Enrichment Programs, Academic Advising, Test Preparation, and Parent Engagement; EAOP is position to develop the next generation of university scholars.



Rosy Rizo


High schooler reading a brochure about a UC program to prepare for college.

Gear Up

The Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) partnership grant from the U.S. Department of Education will prepare middle school and high school students for college access and success. The seven-year GEAR UP project provides multiple academic activities and services for sixth and seventh-graders in Compton Unified School District that continue through high school and their freshman year in college. It also provides extensive professional development for teachers and counselors.


Rodolfo Acosta, Ph.D.

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310-639-4321 ext. 55242

Upward Bound

Upward Bound provides opportunities for students to succeed in their precollege performance and pursuit of higher education. Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families and/or students who will be the first in their family to go to college. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.

Upward Bound provides academic advising, after-school tutoring & mentoring, monthly Saturday sessions, college visits, and a summer residential program. The UC Irvine Upward Bound program works with students from Anaheim High School, Katella High School, and Loara High School in the Anaheim Union High School District.



Kimberly Balderrama

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